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Bogdana is a storm hag and associated with the Court of Teeth.

Physical Description[]

Bogdana is a huge, looming, spindly creature. She has mushroom-pale skin and tiny black eyes that gleam with malice. Her weed-like, black hair is wild and straight. Her most notable feature is her long, claw-like fingers, which are twice as long as regular fingers. Her nails are as long as knives and just as sharp. She is tall and terrifying. Her limbs are spindly like birch sticks. She is swift and strong.


Bogdana is capricious and can be cruel and violent. She has been killing mortals and faeries for hundreds of years. She is the one person Lord Jarel and Lady Nore fear. She eats humans, and has gutted a faerie over a perceived insult. Lightning flashes at her annoyance. However, she also showed a form of kindness to Suren, telling her, "You will not always be so small or so frightened. You are a queen.”[1] As a storm hag, Bogdana can summon lightning and storms at will. She can bring on storms and cast enchantments and spells.


Early Life[]

Bogdana has lived for an unknown number of years. She knows more about magic than most beings alive. She helped Lord Jarel and Lady Nore with their scheme to conceive a child, Suren, and hide it away among mortals. She accompanies them when they return for Suren nine years later to bring her back to Faerieland. However, Bogdana did not come south with them when they went to wage war with Elfhame.

The Stolen Heir[]

Bogdana seeks out Suren in the mortal realm. When Suren flees from her, Bogdana chases her until she is forced to stop by Prince Oak.


  1. The Stolen Heir: Chapter 1, pg. 22