The Folk of the Air Wiki
The Folk of the Air Wiki


May contain plot details

Clovis Greenbriar was the daughter of Mab Greenbriar[1] and her horned consort, from of whom all of Clovis's son's, Eldred Greenbriar's, children are said to have some animal characteristic.[2]


After her birth, her mother started to plot how to make her inherit the throne rather than her foster sister, Mellith, as Mab had promised Mellith's birth mother, Bogdana, to raise Mellith as her heir in return for the power to create from nothing. Mab boasted that she had found a way for Clovis to rule rather than Mellith, and when Bogdana heard the rumors, enraged, she vowed to kill Clovis, crept into where the girl slept, and killed a child, but later realized it was Mellith she had murdered, not Clovis. Clovis ruled as High Queen after Mab and before her son, Eldred.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Stolen Heir: Chapter 10
  2. The Cruel Prince: Chapter 3