The Folk of the Air Wiki

Jude’s Mother, was the former wife of Madoc with whom she bore Vivienne. Afterwards, she was the wife of Justin Duarte with whom she had Taryn and Jude.

Physical Description

She most likely has a strong resemblance to Jude and Taryn. This is due to the fact when Jude looks in to The Lake of Masks, she thinks she sees herself. However Jude realises she is looking at a young version of her mother.


According to Madoc, she was clever and had a way of making everyone around her feel as though every impossible thing was possible.


Early Life

She was Madoc's wife before she escaped to the mortal world with Justin Duarte, bearing Madoc's child Vivienne afterwards. She left a woman and an infant's burnt remains to hide her escape.

However, she was tracked down by Madoc 7 years after Jude and Taryn's birth. She tried to run, but was stabbed in the back by Madoc.


To be added.
