The Folk of the Air Wiki


May contain plot details

The High Court rules over all of Elfhame and its minor courts. It is currently ruled by King Cardan and Queen Jude.


When Queen Mab Greenbriar founded Elfhame, she became the first ruler in the High Court and oversaw all of Elfhame. The current rulers are King Cardan and Queen Jude. The ruler of the High Court is magically connected to the land in a special bond. Previously, the ruler of the High Court wore the Blood Crown, a tradition broken by King Cardan.


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The Court of Termites allied with the High Court when Jude asked them to back up putting Cardan on the throne, in return, Jude must fulfill a request of Lord Roiben's. That request became Jude killing Balekin to avenge the court after the Undersea. attacked them. The two courts remain tense.

The Undersea and the land have been allies for a long time, though those ties broke after the Undersea captured King Cardan's seneschal, Jude Duarte, and sided with Balekin Greenbriar and Madoc in their quest to take the blood crown by force. After those events, the High Court and the Undersea remain with tension.


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Prince Balekin as King Eldred's firstborn thought about himself as the rightful heir of the crown,

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Known Rulers[]

Known Members[]

  • Cardan Greenbriar
    • The High King
  • Jude Greenbriar née Duarte
    • The High Queen and former Seneschal for King Cardan.
  • Lady Asha
    • Mother to King Cardan.
  • Taryn Duarte
    • Twin sister to Queen Jude.
  • Madoc
    • The former Grand General of the High Court.
  • Grima Mog
    • The Grand General of the High Court.
  • Locke
    • The Master of Revels.
  • Fand
    • The first member and leader of Queen Jude's personal guard.
  • Fala
    • The Court Jester.
  • Val Moren
    • The Court Poet and former Seneschal for King Eldred.
  • Baphen
    • The Court Prophet.
  • Yorn
    • A former Grand General.


  • Cardan and Jude Greenbriar are the first known co-rulers of the High Court.

