The Folk of the Air Wiki


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Jarel, also known as Lord Jarel, was a faerie and a lord in the Court of Teeth. He was the husband to Lady Nore and the adopted father of Suren.

Physical Description[]

Lord Jarel was a tall, elegant being with skin the gray of stone. He was identical in looks to his wife. He wore a black crown and silvery clothes.


Lord Jarel was cruel. He viewed humans as nothing more than filthy animals. He took delight in hurting others. He enjoyed leashing Suren by piercing her bones with silver and dragging her around like an animal. He was capable of casting spells and enchantments. For example, he enchanted Suren's human family's love away.


The Queen of Nothing[]

Lord Jarel and Lady Nore formed an alliance with Madoc to take the crown of Elfhame and tried to bargain with Queen Jude of the High Court over a bridle. He and Lady Nore made their daughter Suren Queen of the Court of Teeth, but kept her under complete control until Queen Suren was released by Queen Jude. Jude suspects that Jarel used to be King of the Court of Teeth, but gave up his position to his daughter to avoid swearing loyalty to the High Court.

After Jude kills the serpent, Jarel attacks her but is killed by the Bomb.

The Stolen Heir[]

Suren recalls when Lord Jarel and Lady Nore arrived in her human adoptive parents' house. Suren was nine years old. Lord Jarel revealed Suren's true face and name to her, and then enchanted her human family's love away to bring Suren back to the Court of Teeth. It was Lord Jarel who placed the bridle on her.

Upon seeing Lady Nore again, Suren discovers that Lady Nore now wears Lord Jarel's hands around her neck. She is further disturbed to find that Lord Jarel's hands move in apparent connection with Lady Nore's emotions.
