The Folk of the Air Wiki


May contain plot details

Justin Duarte was Jude and Taryn‘s father as well as Vivi’s step-father.

Physical Description

In the Prologue of The Cruel Prince, it was said that Jude and Taryn looked just like their dad, Justin Duarte.


He was an interesting person, according to Madoc.


He loved swords since he was young. Instead of going to college after he came of age, he had an apprenticeship with a master swordsmith. Later, his skills became honed enough that he was eventually allowed into the Faerie Realms.

He became involved with Jude's unnamed mother, and together they faked her death and escaped to the mortal world, where Eva Duarte gave birth to Vivienne, Taryn, and Jude.

9 years later, Madoc got news of Justin's bragging that he could "forge faerie blades" and came to their doorstep. Madoc killed him with a sword to the heart.

He forged the sword Nightfell, which was gifted to Jude by Madoc in The Cruel Prince.


