The Folk of the Air Wiki


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Inside, Taryn and Vivi had been fussing over Leander, who was learning to crawl.

Oak, The Prisoner's Throne

Leander is half-faerie and half-human. He is the son of the late Locke and his wife Taryn Duarte.

Physical Description[]

Leander has his father's fox-like eyes, the color of amber with a lot of yellow in them. His hair is as dark as Taryn's. Oak mentions that he is adorable.


The Queen of Nothing[]

In The Queen of Nothing, it is revealed that Taryn is pregnant with Locke's child.

The Prisoner's Throne[]

In a flashback scene, at Vivi's second apartment, Taryn and Vivi are seen fussing over Leander, who is learning to crawl. Later, Jude is shown dangling a toy above baby Leander's head, as though he were a cat ready to swat at it.

In the main timeline of the book, Leander is eight years old. Cardan Greenbriar often plays with him. Leander shares stories about the games they play together, such as:

  • Making birds out of two forks and a spoon, then having the "birds" fight until one falls apart.
  • Tossing mushrooms into cups of wine set at opposite ends of the table.
  • Folding napkins into hats.
  • Making ridiculous faces at each other.
  • Cardan also tells Leander stories about his late father, Locke.

During dinner, Leander attempts to convince Oak to play with him, but Oak replies that they can play after the meal.


  1. The Prisoner's Throne: Six Weeks Before Imprisonment