The Folk of the Air Wiki

Letters from Cardan to Jude in Exile, previously titled Letters to Jude from Cardan, are a series of letters released as bonus content for The Queen of Nothing.

They were first released in the Barnes & Noble special edition of The Queen of Nothing. Three years later the author released an e-book edition that was available for free on Bookfunnel.

In Spain it was released as an extra book that was a pre-order incentive for The Queen of Nothing. In Spanish it was titled Cartas de Cardan a Jude.

Plot Summary[]

To be added.



Main series Companion books
The Cruel Prince The Lost Sisters
The Wicked King How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories
The Queen of Nothing
The Stolen Heir duology Extra content
The Stolen Heir A Visit to the Impossible Lands
The Prisoner's Throne Letters from Cardan to Jude in Exile
The Honest Folk
Enemies & Lovers: The Crown of Elfhame