The Folk of the Air Wiki
The Folk of the Air Wiki


May contain plot details

Taniot was consort to former King Eldred and mother to Prince Dain. She was also the grandmother of Oak.

Physical Description[]

She has long black horns growing out of the top of her head.


Not much is known about Taniot’s personality, though she does seem quite caring. She tries to save Princess Elowyn's life by stemming the bleeding with her own dress skirts. Taniot also seems to be very brave as when she died she didn't back down. Seeming to have accepted her fate and not tried to stop it.


The Cruel Prince[]

Taniot is present during Prince Balekin’s unsuccessful coup. She wore garments of shining gold to attend the ceremony in. When Princess Elowyn is killed Taniot crouches over her body, trying to stem the tide of blood with the skirts of her dress.

Balekin then orders a knight to bring him Taniot. A female redcap steps onto the dais to grab Taniot who struggles. Taniot’s head lashes back and forth to try and hit the redcap with her horns. Then two more redcaps step forward to grab her, and there is no more struggling from Taniot.

Balekin then tells his family that he will kill Taniot in front of everyone if they don’t crown him High King. Nobody does, so he orders his knights to kill Taniot.

Taniot goes to her death with grace. She is still. Her bearing is regal and doomed, as though she has already passed into the realm of ballads. Her fingers are laced together. She makes no sound as one of the redcap knights beheads her with a single swift and brutal strike of their blade. Taniot’s horned head rolls a short way until it hits Prince Dain’s corpse.


To be added.
